
According to Euromonitor International’s data, the global legal cannabis market was worth about $41 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $100 billion by 2027. By 2022, the United States will account for 72% of the global cannabis industry. European countries are in second place with 12% of the global market share, followed by Canada with 9%. Due to its small customer base, the Czech Republic accounts for only 0.1% of the total European share. Cannabis is divided into adult use, recreational, medical and CBD.

The Czech illegal cannabis market is estimated to be worth 14.5 billion CZK or $630 million in 2022. 

Adult use of cannabis is illegal in the Czech Republic, but has been decriminalized to some extent. Planting more than five plants is considered a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to 580 euros and the confiscation of the plants. Possession of marijuana in amounts less than a minor is not a crime. Less than 10 grams of flowers or less than 5 grams of marijuana contain 1 gram of THC, which is the upper limit of small amounts. More than five plants or possession of a smaller number of criteria, the offence is punishable by imprisonment. Cannabis seeds, even plants rich in THC, can be sold legally. However, they can only be located as collector materials, with no mention of THC concentrations in plants. 

Since 2013, medical marijuana has been legally sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Since 2020, country health insurance has covered 90% of cannabis treatment, stipulating no more than 30 grams per month. This has made medical marijuana more affordable for patients and driven its sales to grow rapidly. But until the end of 2022, local producer Elkoplast CZ is the only category producer. In 2022, the total value of medical cannabis was 9 million CZK and is expected to triple by 2027.

It’s new opportunities of cannabis market in Czech Republic. If you’re looking to diversify your product line with CBD vapes? Just contact us today to learn more! 

Post time: Sep-08-2023